ocean 1 (black atlantic)
University of Minnesota Press, 2018, 115 pages
The Jamaican writer and cultural theorist Sylvia Wynter is best known for her diverse writings that pull together insights from theories in history, literature, science, and black studies, to explore race, the legacy of colonialism, and representations of humanness.
In this beautifully crafted, Rashomon-like novel, Maryse Conde has written a gripping story imbued with all the nuances and traditions of Caribbean culture. Francis Sancher--a handsome outsider, loved by some and reviled by others--is found dead, face down in the mud on a path outside Riviere au Sel, a small village in Guadeloupe.
In July 2017 the South African Equality Court dismissed charges of Hate Speech against Goldendean's exhibition of a poster using the words "Fuck White People" in the Iziko National Gallery. The Chief Magistrate found that the work's context, as art, brought attention to structural racism and white supremacy, and drew South Africans to a "critical moment of self-reflection".
A landmark history, by the author of National Book Critics Circle Award finalist The Broken Heart of America, that shows how slavery fueled Southern capitalism.
Saidiya Hartman erforscht das lange Nachleben der Sklaverei: Ein grundlegendes Nachdenken über die Unfreiheit und ein radikales Experiment, die Geschichte Schwarzer Frauen auf andere Weise zu schreiben und zu kennen Wie lassen sich die Versklavung und ihr Nachleben erzählen? Welche Rolle spielen darin Schwarze Frauen, von deren Schicksal lange fast ausschließlich die Aufzeichnungen der Sklavenhändler und Plantagenbesitzer, Gerichtsnotizen, Gutachten und Akten zeugten? Diese Fragen beschäftigen die Literaturwissenschaftlerin Saidiya Hartman seit ihren bahnbrechenden Studien zum Terror der Sklaverei und seiner Bedeutung für den Selbstentwurf der USA. Ausgehend von historischen Details, überschreiten die hier versammelten Essays virtuos die Grenze zwischen Geschichte und Imagination, um zu erzählen, was nicht erzählt werden kann.
ISBN 978-3-941-36091-4
The NAACP Image Award-winning poet makes her fiction debut with this magisterial epic—an intimate yet sweeping novel with all the luminescence and force of Homegoing; Sing, Unburied, Sing; and The Water Dancer—that chronicles the journey of one American family, from the centuries of the colonial slave trade through the Civil War to our own tumultuous era.
978-0-00-851649-9, harper & collins, 2022
Moving Toward Black Freedom
In The Long Emancipation Rinaldo Walcott posits that Black people globally live in the time of emancipation and that emancipation is definitely not freedom.
2021, Duke University Press, 144 pages
Aimé Césaire's work is foundational for decolonial and postcolonial thought.
Francis Sancher - a handsome outsider, loved by some and reviled by others - is found dead, face down in the mud on a path outside Riviere au Sel, a small village in Guadeloupe. None of the villagers are particularly surprised, since Sancher, a secretive and melancholy man, had often predicted an unnatural death for himself. As the villagers come to pay their respects they each - either in a speech to the mourners, or in an internal monologue - reveal another piece of the mystery behind Sancher's life and death.
Like pieces of an elaborate puzzle, their memories interlock to create a rich and intriguing portrait of a man and a community.
ISBN: 978-0-241-53005-4
Archive Books, 2022, 240 pages, English, 978-3-948212-57-5
dt./engl. 2 x 23 pages, 2020, first edition 250
James Baldwin's breakthrough essay collection made him the voice of his generation. Ranging over Harlem in the 1940s, movies, novels, his preacher father and his experiences of Paris, they capture the complexity of black life at the dawn of the civil rights movement with effervescent wit and prophetic wisdom.
ISBN 978-0-241-33400-3
Die antikolonialen und antirassistischen Bewegungen des 20. Jahrhunderts gingen mit künstlerischen und theoretischen Gegenentwürfen zur Exklusivität der westlichen Moderne einher. Mit Studien zur indischen Moderne, der Harlem Renaissance und der Abstraktion der Nachkriegszeit fokussiert dieses Buch auf Kontakte und Kooperationen als Voraussetzung eines transkulturellen Denkens und künstlerischen Handelns.
b_books PoLYPen 2017, 340 Seiten
Sklaverei. Schwarze Geschichte und der Kampf um Gerechtigkeit in Museen der Südstaaten
2019, mandelbaum Verlag, 270 Seiten
Centr,ing LGBTQ Experiences in the Anglophone Caribbean
Univ. of the West Indies Press, 2020, 260 pages
Von #blacklivesmatter zu Black Liberation
Unrast, 2020, 380 Seiten, deutsch
Told for the first time in picture book form is the true story of James Lafayette—a slave who spied for George Washington's army during the American Revolution. But while America celebrated its newfound freedom, James returned to slavery. His service hadn't qualified him for the release he'd been hoping for. For James the fight wasn't over; he'd already helped his country gain its freedom, now it was time to win his own.
Bloodchild, Octavia E. Butler
Bloodchild, Octavia E. Butler
"Bloodchild" describes the unusual bond between a race of insect-like lifeforms called the Tlic and a colony of humans who have escaped Earth and settled on the Tlic planet. When the Tlic realize that humans make excellent hosts for Tlic eggs, they establish the Preserve to protect the humans, and in return require that every family choose a child for implantation.
In several interviews as well as in her afterword to "Bloodchild", Butler explains the different situations that led her to write the story. To begin with, she wanted to "write out" her fear of her body being invaded by a parasitic insect, specifically the botfly. She also wanted to write about a human male becoming pregnant; about the risks to his body as well as what it would take for him to have maternal feelings towards his alien brood, and so she ended crafting a story about a symbiotic, loving relationship between two very different species.
Kindred, Octavia E. Butler
Kindred, Octavia E. Butler
A graphic-novel adaptation of Octavia E. Butler's groundbreaking science-fiction classic offers an unflinching look at slavery, race, and the role of women in society
Dana, eine junge Schwarze Schriftstellerin, ist frisch verheiratet und voller Hoffnung, als sie 1976 mit ihrem weißen Ehemann, Kevin, nach Altadena umzieht. Noch umgeben von Umzugskisten wird sie plötzlich in ein völlig anderes Jahrzehnt und an einen vermeintlich unbekannten Ort versetzt: Dort rettet sie einen kleinen Jungen namens Rufus vor dem Ertrinken, bevor sie sich durchnässt in den 70ern und ihrem neuen Haus wiederfindet. Danas unerklärliche Zeitreisen passieren scheinbar spontan und immer häufiger. Sie erfährt, dass diese sie in die Zeit vor dem US-amerikanischen Sezessionskrieg führen – einer Zeit also, in der Schwarze Menschen afrikanischer Herkunft von weißen Menschen versklavt worden sind. Eindringlich wie mitreißend schildert Octavia E. Butler die Geschichte von Dana und reflektiert darin die vielschichtigen Verbindungen von Rassismus und Sexismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Der Roman, im Original »Kindred« (1979), wurde zum bekanntesten Werk Octavia e. Butlers und erscheint nun in neuer deutschsprachiger Übersetzung.
ISBN 978-3-945-64405-8
Unpayable Debt examines the relationships among coloniality, raciality, and global capital from a black feminist “poethical” perspective. Inspired by Octavia E. Butler’s 1979 sci-fi novel Kindred, in which an African-American writer is transported back in time to the antebellum South to save her owner-ancestor, Unpayable Debt relates the notion of value to coloniality—both economic and ethical. Focusing on the philosophy behind value, Denise Ferreira da Silva exposes capital as the juridical architecture and ethical grammar of the world. Here, raciality—a symbol of coloniality—justifies deployments of total violence to enable expropriation and land extraction.
ISBN 978-3-956-79542-8
Negrophobia, Darius James
Negrophobia, Darius James
An urban parable, introduction by Amy Abugo Ongiri
new york review books, 174 pages
Darius James is a great writer
Kathy Acker
'Wohlstandsgefängnis' und 'Ghettoisierung' unter dem Primat der Sicherheitsfrage, (African Connections in Post-Colonial Theory and Literatures)
136 Seiten, 978-3643501141, LIT Verlag
cultural transfer /India, Germany, Austria
with texts by Nancy Adajania, Flavia Agnes, Chetan Bhatt, Sun–ju Choi, Anke Illing, Vinay Choudary, Helmut Dietrich, Madhusree Dutta, Philip Scheffner, Angelika Fitz, Axel Fussi, Nayantara Ghosh, Urmila Goel, Christiane Hartnack, Vinzenz Hediger, Meenakshi Shedde, Ranjit Hoskote, Anuradha Kapur, Merle Kröger, Dorothee Wenner, Shantanu Lodh, Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Mamta Murthy, Shoba Raghuram, Ashish Rajadhyaksha, Alexandra Schneider, Mishka Sinha, Navina Sundaram, Nicole Wolf, Michael Wörgötter
250 pages, german / english, with DVD and booklet with German translation ISBN 3-86601-910-6 out of print
An intimate look at a period of modern Indian history that has shaped the music of the subcontinent today, features detailed sections on several important Indian and American jazz musicians, including Chic Chocolate, 'the Louis Armstrong of India'; and Teddy Weatherford
2012, 192 pages, with CD, used book, rare
Dictee, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Dictee, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
978 0 520 39048 5, 186 pages, university of california press
Islamische und christliche Atlantikerkundung im Mittelalter
Turia und Kant, Mittelmeerstudien 3, 2013, 355 Seiten